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Author: _nissa_
aku nk wish happy mother's day kt mummy.even lmbt post entri ni, tp aku still nk wish kt cni..aku plg suke pic tme ni..ms 2 gk, die yg pkikn jubah n mortar board (topi) utk aku..utk event 2, mummy la plg byk kuarkn duit smata2 utk aku.dr kain hrga ratusan ringgit, kos tmph lg, kasut, tdung.sume mummy yg kuarkn duit..thnx a lot mum..aku arap sgt2 this year aku dpt lg adiahkn kjyaanku utk mummy..pd aku, die bknla stkt seorg ibu, tp lbh dr sgla2nya..pd aku, die la ckgu yg plg berjaya didik aku ngn ilmu dnia & akhirat.krn die, aku knl a,b,c b4 aku jejak kaki ke tdika..thnx a lot mum.love u soooo muchh...
Mom, I loved you yesterday, I love you tomorrow and everyday. ..
You were there for me my first day of school, to hold my hand and give me courage to go.
You listened to me when I needed to talk, you talked to me when I needed to listen.
You let me grow and learn from my own mistakes.
You never left my side when I was feeling down, I knew you would be there to pick me up.
I wish there was a way I could repay all the things you have done for me, but there's nothing great enough to repay the greatest mother of all...
nota kaki: buat ibu2 di dunia, happy mother's day too..
huhu dua2 cantik...ngee~
thnx ye cik adik..=)
@kimomoto kozaima
uik yeke en. kino...
mum sy mmg cntik..=)
selamat hari ibu sedunia....nie dah jd ibu ker belum...hehehe... :)
happy mother's day :)
selamat hari ibu untuk mak awak jugakkk :d
~hepi mother day to ur mom..seorang ibu akan sanggup buat apa saja demi anak2nya..~
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@--{♥Mahirah Abd♥}--
sy lom jg ibu lg..hee..
thnx...hpy mother's day to ur mum too =)
thnx jivebumz..=)
hpy mother's day to ur mum..
@iva saionji
ye betul cik iva..
ibula sgla2nya...
ye ye dia mmg blum jd ibu tp dh jd suriumh just tinggal nk bergelar ibu ja muahaha =)
en. sahfril!!! jht ye kmu..
lmbt lg k turn sy..
tnyela en. bubu..muahaha..
kami bg laluan kt awk dl..;p

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May 11, 2009 at 2:59 AM
so sweet