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alahai streamyx......
Author: _nissa_
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bengong tul la streamyx ni..kelembapan yg amt.huh
...aku da la nk cr bhn utk esaimen yg berlambak ni..aduhhhhh...
org TM ni da rindu ke nk dgr sore aku ngamuk dlm tpon..x sudah2 ngn prob korg ni..de je alsn korg bg.ayah aku byr bil tiap bln k..customer satisfaction 2 pntg ko tau x..ni aku nk wt research psl ko ni.tp apekn daya, tesis aku wt psl job satisfaction..nnt2 aku suh la jnior kos aku wt psl 2 lak.
sb kn ko, aku mkn buah anggur smpi nk abh da stok.cian famly aku dpt mkn skt je sok.STREAMYX LEMBAB!!!!!!
nota kaki:hope aku x ttdo mlm ni.so, leh la aku wt alsn x trjaga awl sok.kehkeh..mls wor mau g seminar six sigma sok pg.xdak sjil, xmo k..
org TM ni da rindu ke nk dgr sore aku ngamuk dlm tpon..x sudah2 ngn prob korg ni..de je alsn korg bg.ayah aku byr bil tiap bln k..customer satisfaction 2 pntg ko tau x..ni aku nk wt research psl ko ni.tp apekn daya, tesis aku wt psl job satisfaction..nnt2 aku suh la jnior kos aku wt psl 2 lak.
sb kn ko, aku mkn buah anggur smpi nk abh da stok.cian famly aku dpt mkn skt je sok.STREAMYX LEMBAB!!!!!!
nota kaki:hope aku x ttdo mlm ni.so, leh la aku wt alsn x trjaga awl sok.kehkeh..mls wor mau g seminar six sigma sok pg.xdak sjil, xmo k..
streamyx mira okeyh jew..
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..and regret tomorrow..
patutla lembab ja smpai nk wat asgmnt pn xbleh haha
suburbanzero: oo yeke..xtau pn sy.huhu...
miera: oo nk blagak ye..ceh..meh cni tuka tmpt.xpn tlg wt kn asgmnt.haha...
auh: mmg pn.bek la pki yg dial up je cm 2.haha..
shafril: yeke wt asgmnt??ke wt bnd len?kuikui...
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April 2, 2009 at 3:55 AM
ni statement yg sy bc dr announcement board kat student community >>
Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) wishes to announce that there is a disruption of its Internet services due to circuit faults on the SMW3 between Tuas, Singapore and Penang linking Malaysia to Hong Kong and APCN2 near Chongming, China connecting Malaysia to the United States. As a result, customers using the Internet services may experience slow browsing while accessing websites hosted in the U.S. and Hong Kong.
To alleviate the problem, some of the links have been rerouted to alternate routes to ease the congestion.
Restoration works on the affected cables are already in progress. However, during the restoration process, traffic to Northern America and Hong Kong may experience degradation. However, traffic to other countries will not be affected. TM expects complete recovery of its services by 5 April 2009 and will make further announcements on the progress of the restoration works.